
Diamante Poems

clean blank
inviting expecting highlighting
paper captures your words
hurting encouraging lasting
liquid blue

sneaky smart
extending swindling cheating
a liar can choose
tangling refusing defending
angry hard

What I like about these diamante poems is that they provide a form, which is both aesthetic to look at and at the same time those poems still manage to bring across a message. When I wrote the "paper poem", it somehow started to take up it's own life, as I wasn't originally planning to come from "paper" to "ink", I just had the thought in mind that words can be "liquid" as well. For me, a word is of liquid-like quality, once people start to "extend" its original meaning and this way, the concept of the word transforms over the years.
In my second poem, I tried to show a transformation of another kind. I was thinking about the process of lying, how it starts of with someone "extending the truth", then actual swindling as the next step and cheating at the top of it. Then, as soon as the lie was told, the liar tangles, refuses and defends himself, but what was said can't be taken back and a hard brick wall builds up between the liar and the person lied to.

1 Kommentar:

  1. I am struck by your observation about words being "liquid" - that really appeals to me. And I find that your resolution in a word that is not normally directly associated with the concept actually adds a whole dimension of meaning and reflection to it.
